MEDIUM is my newest blogging home | R a s m a H a i d r i | Rasma Haidri

MEDIUM is my newest blogging home

I might be the last person to learn about Medium, but here’s a link in case you also don’t know about it. My blog there is in its infancy, and I’m still trying to figure the place out, but what attracted me to the platform is its quiet, orderly interface on a multitude of topics. It has direct contact with real media like The Atlantic and Washington Post. I first saw one of Medium’s articles in LitHub and soon after one was quoted in the Washington Post. Real journalism in other words. Obama blogs there. It seems like a nice alternative to Facebook, which I still have trouble using without feeling self-conscious like I’m back in time entering a junior high lunchroom. 

Medium has a wide range of topics, and I try to focus my attention on those relating to writing. I have recently been accepted as a writer for The Writing Cooperative which uses the Medium platform. I have not written an article for The Writing Cooperative yet, but I have written a few personal thoughts about current events and the writing life on my own page. Check it out!